The technological breakthrough which the world scientific and health communities have been desperately seeking to solve the problem of green house gases and global warming may be one step closer thanks to Dr. Robert R. Holcomb, M.D., Ph.D., an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
Auckland, New Zealand, February 2, 2004 [] Holcomb unveiled a breakthrough process before an audience of New Zealand government, business and environmental leaders in the New Zealand city. Dr. Holcomb announced for the first time a revolutionary new technology, Electron Stream Carbon Dioxide Reduction (ESCO2R) commonly called the Carbon Dioxide Converter that goes to the heart of the current environmental problem. “The scientific community has been focusing its attention on chemistry-based solutions to the overwhelming problem of global warming and hazardous carbon dioxide emissions,” said Dr. Holcomb. “The unique technology of the Carbon Dioxide Converter permanently splits the molecular structure of carbon dioxide into its basic elements – carbon and oxygen.” This converter functions in a similar way for other toxic greenhouse gases such as sulfur dioxide, the major cause of acid rain. This proprietary technology uses a patented and patent pending closed loop system that burns any fossil or carbon based fuel with zero harmful emissions. These fuels include coal, oil, gas, and any biomass including waste and landfills. A significant byproduct of this process is carbon black, which is used in the production of tires, printing ink, and as a pigment for plastics. Joining Dr. Holcomb was John Small, Ph.D., Head of the Economics Department of Auckland University, who presented the findings of his independent study on the economic impact of Dr. Holcomb’s discovery for New Zealand and the world. Dr. Small estimates that the global economic benefit arising from using the technology for coal-fired electricity generation at between US$134 and 347 billion, with mid-range deployment assumptions implying a benefit of US$223 billion. “The economic implications of Dr. Holcomb’s breakthrough are profound for the New Zealand and world environment, health and economy,” said Dr. Small. “The efficacy of the ESCO2R process has been independently reviewed and verified by the renowned global engineering firm of Black & Veatch Corporation.” The Black & Veatch report, also released today, found “the demonstrations observed provided convincing data that indicated carbon dioxide generated during the combustion of the coal was converted back into carbon and oxygen by the CO2 Converter. This was clearly indicated by calibrated, reliable gas analysis equipment.” Holcomb Scientific, of New Zealand and Holcomb Scientific Creations, of the United States of America, are research and development organizations, which foster reliable and cost effective strategies for the global energy supply and environmental quality. Dr. Holcomb intends to further his research in New Zealand and in the US to commercialize this technology. Dr. Holcomb has served for more than the past decade on the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine on faculty in the Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics, in Nashville, Tennessee. He has developed a wide range of environmentally friendly products, processes, and devices, including a wood treatment to prevent insect infestation, add fire retardancy and increase wood strength. He is also responsible for creating a coal treatment to significantly reduce environmental pollutant emissions, fuel enhancement products for greater efficiency and reduced emissions, and water filtration devices. ESCO2R is designed to work in conjunction with the coal treatment and fuel enhancement products. Dr. Holcomb lectures around the globe on his medical and non-medical technology breakthroughs. He has published abstracts and articles in medical and scientific journals around the world, including in publications such as The Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, Pediatric Neurology, Environmental Medicine, and Bioelectromagnetics.Breakthrough Purports Answer to Global Warming
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